英BBCがハマスを「テロリスト」としないことに抗議 本社前でデモ
Hundreds protest at BBC over Hamas coverage
Around 250 protesters gathered outside the BBC's main headquarters in London on Monday over the British broadcaster's continued refusal to call Hamas terrorists.
Demonstrators at the event, organised by Jewish groups, chanted Hamas, terrorists and Shame on You at the broadcaster for making the editorial decision to refer to Hamas as militants, or a militant group.
Many waved Israeli flags and others held posters carrying pictures of Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas.
Organisers, the National Jewish Assembly, wrote on X (formerly Twitter) that this is no time the BBC to call Hamas anything but terrorists.
UK defence minister Grant Shapps also said last week that the BBC should follow the law and call Hamas a terrorist organisation, with the government having proscribed it as such in 2021.
But veteran reporter John Simpson, the BBC's world affairs editor, said that the corporation would be taking sides if it called Hamas terrorists.
The BBC said in a statement on Monday that it had given careful consideration to its coverage of conflict.
Careful consideration has been given to all aspects of our coverage to ensure that we report on developments accurately and with due impartiality in line with the BBC editorial guidelines, which are publicly available.
The BBC, along with many other UK and global news organisations, does use the word 'terrorist', but attributes it. We have made clear to our audiences that Hamas is proscribed as a terrorist organisation by the UK and other governments, it added.
Pro-Palestinian groups have also targeted the BBC, covering Broadcasting House headquarters in red paint last week and accusing it of having blood on its hands.