2020.02.05 18:08Nation

チャーター機4便、6日派遣 中国籍配偶者らも同乗―新型肺炎




2020.02.05 18:08Nation

Japan to Allow Chinese Family Members for Charter Flight from Hubei

The Japanese government plans to allow Chinese members of Japanese nationals' families to board a charter flight to bring home Japanese remaining in China's Hubei Province, it was learned on Wednesday.
   The government is making arrangements with the Chinese side on the matter, Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said at a House of Representatives committee meeting.
   Preparations are under way between the two sides for Tokyo sending the next and fourth charter flight on Thursday to the Hubei capital of Wuhan, which is locked down in the wake of the new coronavirus outbreak, Motegi told reporters after the committee meeting.
   The previous three government-chartered flights brought home a total of 565 Japanese citizens from the province last week.
   In Hubei, there are currently about 140 Japanese people who hope to return home, according to the Japanese Foreign Ministry.


