2023.07.30 13:59Nation

「やっぱり、うなぎ」 猛暑で盛況―土用丑の日・東京

 「八ツ目や にしむら 目黒店」(東京都目黒区)は、大きいサイズのかば焼きを2700円から3000円に値上げしたが、前週から客足が途絶えない。丑の日当日は「猛暑の中で並ぶお客さんの体調が心配」(松本清店長)と、仕込みを始める時間を早め、素早くかば焼きを提供できるようにした。(2023/07/30-13:59)

2023.07.30 13:59Nation

People Line Up for Grilled Eels on Day of Ox in Japan

Many people lined up in front of "kabayaki" grilled eel stores and restaurants in Japan on Sunday, this year's Day of the Ox, apparently hoping to survive the scorching heat by eating the summer delicacy.
   Japanese people have a tradition of eating nutritious grilled eels, believed to be good for restoring energy, on the midsummer Day of the Ox. Amid a long spell of extremely hot days this summer, kabayaki stores and restaurants have been busy since before the Day of the Ox.
   At Unagiya, a kabayaki restaurant in Tokyo's Toshima Ward that has been in business since the 1960s, all staff members worked hard to serve a number of customers on Sunday, with the restaurant also offering take-out services. At the grill, Isao Endo, a kabayaki cook with over 70 years of experience, tirelessly grilled eels one after another.
   Although Unagiya is facing financial difficulties amid surges in materials procurement costs and utility expenses, the restaurant kept the price of "Kabayaki (Ume)," its most reasonable dish, unchanged at 3,000 yen.
   A customer in his 60s who visited Unagiya shortly after its opening on Sunday purchased "Unaju Bento," a boxed lunch of rice topped with grilled eels. "I come here to buy this every year. On the Day of the Ox, it's eel after all," he said with a smile.


