2023.07.27 17:00Nation

ビッグモーター、22年度シェア首位 中古車市場に冷え込み懸念も―帝国データ


2023.07.27 17:00Nation

Scandal-Hit Bigmotor Top Used Car Dealer in Japan in FY 2022

Scandal-hit Bigmotor Co. was the top used car dealer in Japan in fiscal 2022, with a market share of about 15 pct on a sales basis, a survey by credit research firm Teikoku Databank Ltd. showed Thursday.
   Overall sales in the used vehicle market hit a record high of 3,907.3 billion yen in fiscal 2022, which ended in March, reflecting a shortage of new vehicles.
   Nextage Co. was the second-largest player in the market, and Idom Inc., the operator of Gulliver stores, was the third-largest.
   Used car sales in fiscal 2023 may be affected by recovering domestic production of new vehicles as parts procurement difficulties have eased.
   Meanwhile, there are concerns that consumers may refrain from buying used cars if distrust in the industry spreads after the recent revelation of fraudulent auto insurance claims by Bigmotor.


