2020.02.04 09:13Nation

読売新聞記者を逮捕 覚せい剤使用容疑―警視庁

 読売新聞グループ本社広報部の話 記者は病気療養のため、昨年12月中旬から休暇を取って首都圏にある実家に帰っていた。捜査の行方を見て、適切に対処する。(2020/02/04-09:13)

2020.02.04 09:13Nation

Yomiuri Reporter Arrested for Alleged Stimulant Use

An employee of major Japanese newspaper publisher Yomiuri Shimbun has been arrested by Tokyo police for allegedly using stimulant drugs, sources in the police said Tuesday.
   Arrested by the Metropolitan Police Department was Takeharu Ishibashi, 34, a Yomiuri reporter based in Chitose, Hokkaido, northernmost Japan.
   Ishibashi is suspected of using stimulants in Tokyo or surrounding areas sometime between mid-January and Monday, in violation of the stimulants control act. He has denied the charges, saying he did not use stimulant drugs.
   According to the sources, Ishibashi was found exhibiting suspicious behavior while walking in the Kabukicho district in Tokyo's Shinjuku Ward around 4:30 p.m. Monday (7:30 a.m. GMT).
   When police officers stopped Ishibashi for questioning, they discovered items including a syringe in his belongings. He later tested positive for stimulants in a urine test.


