2020.01.31 22:40Nation

無症状感染さらに2人 第3便も25人症状訴え―武漢から帰国565人に・新型肺炎




2020.01.31 22:40Nation

Japan Confirms 2 More Symptomless Returnees with New Coronavirus

Two Japanese nationals who returned from Wuhan on Thursday aboard the second government-chartered flight have been found to be infected with the new coronavirus that spread from the Chinese city and has caused an outbreak of pneumonia, the Japanese health ministry said Friday.
   A man his 30s and another man in his 50s tested positive for the virus, but have no symptoms. The number of returnees who are infected with the coronavirus but have no symptoms now stands at four. The other people returned to Japan on Wednesday aboard the first chartered flight.
   A total of 210 Japanese nationals returned home on the second chartered plane. The first flight brought home 206 people, with three of them, including the two symptomless people, found to have the coronavirus.
   The third flight chartered by the Japanese government for the evacuation operations arrived at Tokyo International Airport at Haneda on Friday morning with 149 passengers from Wuhan, bringing the total number of Japanese brought back from the city and other parts of Hubei Province to 565.
   Twenty-five of the 149 passengers complained of symptoms such as coughing and were admitted to hospitals in Tokyo. The remaining passengers were sent to the National Institute of Public Health in Wako, Saitama Prefecture, north of Tokyo, or the Customs Training Institute in Kashiwa, Chiba Prefecture, east of the Japanese capital, for monitoring.


