2020.01.31 00:02Nation

政府、武漢滞在者全員を追跡調査へ 新型肺炎、帰国第3便出発




2020.01.31 00:02Nation

Japan to Do Follow-Up Survey on People Who Have Stayed in Wuhan

Japan's government on Thursday decided to conduct a follow-up survey on all people entering the country who have been to China's Wuhan, the epicenter of the pneumonia outbreak caused by a new coronavirus.
   The decision was made at the first meeting of a task force headed by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, set up to prevent the spread of the virus.
   Under the plan, the government will obtain information on the places of stay of such people, including foreigners, in Japan and conduct the follow-up survey, which will include medical checks.
   The government is also working to send a third chartered flight to the Hubei Province city to bring back more Japanese nationals as soon as possible.
   "We'll implement thorough health management, including viral tests, regardless of whether (people) display symptoms," Abe said. He instructed his cabinet ministers to work as one to implement necessary measures without hesitation while putting top priority on protecting the lives and health of the Japanese people.


