2020.01.27 12:16Nation

台風19号のローン減免申請低調 弁護士会が活用呼び掛け―宮城




2020.01.27 12:16Nation

Typhoon Hagibis-Linked Loan Relief Applications Sluggish

With applications for a loan relief program from victims of last year's Typhoon Hagibis remaining sluggish, a Japanese bar association is calling on people affected by the disaster to seek early consultations with experts, such as lawyers, or administrative bodies.
   Victims may suffer disadvantages if they get loans without knowledge of the program, says an official at the Sendai Bar Association. The association in Sendai, the capital of Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan, has a history of supporting victims of the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, which hit Miyagi and neighboring prefectures particularly hard.
   The loan relief program for disaster victims was created after the 2011 disaster. People facing difficulties repaying loans due to disasters for which the disaster relief law is applied can receive reductions or exemption in loans from banks and other creditors on condition that they draw up repayment plans under the program.
   According to the Tokyo-based operator of the program, a total of over 200 applications had been made through the end of December last year from victims of heavy rains that struck western Japan in 2018, and debts were reduced partially or totally in 95 cases.
   Meanwhile, there had been no more than about 20 applications as of December 2019 from victims of Typhoon Hagibis, which tore through the country last October. In Miyagi, the number of applications stood at only three as of last Friday.


