2020.01.29 18:22Nation

高浜原発3、4号機停止へ テロ対策遅れコスト増―関電




2020.01.29 18:22Nation

Kansai Elec to Suspend 2 Reactors for Delayed Antiterror Work

Kansai Electric Power Co. said Wednesday that it will suspend two reactors at its nuclear plant in the town of Takahama, Fukui Prefecture, central Japan, due to delays in the construction of antiterror facilities.
   The Takahama nuclear power plant's No. 3 and No. 4 reactors will be halted for nearly five months from Aug. 2 and for about four months from Oct. 7, respectively, said the power utility that serves the Kansai western Japan region.
   This will mark the second case in which nuclear reactors are suspended due to delays in constructing so-called specific safety facilities against possible terror attacks. Two reactors at Kyushu Electric Power Co.'s Sendai nuclear power station in the city of Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan, are set to be suspended from this spring.
   Specific safety facilities minimize leaks of radioactive substances in times of emergencies such as terrorist attacks. They include a backup control room for operating a nuclear power plant in the event that the central control room is destroyed in a terrorist attack and filtered vent equipment for lowering the pressure inside the reactor containment vessels.
   The coming suspension is expected to cost Kansai Electric 33.7 billion yen, including expenses for alternative power generation. But the company is not considering raising its electricity rates at this point, a public relations official said.


