2020.01.29 06:53Nation

ロシア、領土館展示を批判 日本側呼び出し申し入れ


2020.01.29 06:53Nation

Russia Criticizes Japan's Reopened Territory Museum

The Russian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday criticized the exhibits displayed at Japan's National Museum of Territory and Sovereignty, which was reopened last week.
   Summoning a representative from the Japanese embassy in Moscow, Russia conveyed the criticism about the exhibition of items related to four Russian-held northwestern Pacific islands claimed by Japan.
   The Russian side said that there is no room for argument about its sovereignty over the islands and that the exhibits in question contradict an agreement reached between the leaders of the two countries to create a positive atmosphere for bilateral relations.
   The exhibition is an evidence of Japan's unwillingness to accept the results of World War II, the Russian side said.
   The Japanese embassy admitted having received a warning from Russia against the exhibition.


