2020.01.28 07:10Nation

新型肺炎、GDP0.14%押し下げ 訪日客急減、消費も打撃―民間試算


2020.01.28 07:10Nation

New Pneumonia Seen Cutting Japan GDP by 0.14 Pct

The outbreak of new pneumonia in China is expected to lower Japan's gross domestic product by 0.14 pct if its effects last for a year, Nomura Research Institute Ltd. has estimated.
   The private think tank said that Japan's GDP will likely be pushed down by 776 billion yen due to a steep drop in the number of tourists to Japan reflecting the spread of the disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus.
   The calculation is based on the effects of the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, in 2003. NRI estimated that visitors to Japan will decrease at the same pace as during the SARS epidemic. The number of inbound travelers now has risen six-fold compared with the pre-SARS level.
   The Dai-ichi Life Research Institute said that the coronavirus outbreak is expected to deflate Japan's nominal GDP by some 483.3 billion yen, some 40 pct more than the amount lost during the SARS epidemic, based on the assumption that the effects of the pneumonia will last for nine months.
   SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. said that travel expenditures by Chinese visitors during their stays in Japan will likely fall by around 295 billion yen, with spending on cosmetics and perfumes, hotels, foods, medicine and clothing seen to be particularly affected.


