2020.01.28 07:08Nation

新型肺炎、国内観光に打撃 旅行キャンセル相次ぐ


2020.01.28 07:08Nation

Coronavirus Outbreak Takes Toll on Japan Tourism Industry

Japan's tourism industry is bracing for the effects of China's ban on overseas group tours introduced on Monday in the wake of the outbreak of pneumonia blamed on a new strain of coronavirus.
   The travel ban came as China's Lunar New Year holiday period, a usually profitable season for the Japanese tourism sector, has started.
   Travel agencies, including industry leader JTB Corp., are already seeing mass cancellations by Chinese clients. "We are flooded with cancellations," said an official at a travel agency in Sapporo, Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, which offers tours for inbound clients.
   Cancellations are also on the rise at a major hotel in Shinjuku Ward in Tokyo that is popular among foreign guests.
   The Nishijin Textile Center in the city of Kyoto, western Japan, which hosts a daily kimono show, said it has seen cancellations by tour groups of about 40 Chinese travelers. "I hope the situation will calm down before the cherry blossom season" in spring, Yuzuru Otsuki, head of the center, said.


