2023.04.03 14:32Nation

ゆかりの人ら、悼む声相次ぐ 被災者やファンら―坂本龍一さん死去

 坂本さんが立ち上げた森林保全団体「more trees」で約16年間活動を共にしてきた事務局長の水谷伸吉さん(45)は「偉ぶることなくフラットに地域の人々と向き合う姿勢がすてきだった」と振り返る。「大黒柱を失い、ぽっかり穴があいてしまったが、手を緩めずに活動することが弔いになる」と決意を新たにしていた。(2023/04/03-14:32)

2023.04.03 14:32Nation

Musician Ryuichi Sakamoto Mourned in Japan, Abroad

Fans and others both at home and abroad mourned Ryuichi Sakamoto, following news reporting the death of the world-renowned Japanese musician.
   Tower Records Japan's Shinjuku outlet in Tokyo hurriedly set up a sales area to remember Sakamoto, with condolence messages shown and his piano pieces played.
   "Sakamoto's presence was so great," Tatsuya Murakoshi, the 50-year-old deputy manager of the store, said. "It's hard to categorize (his music). The genre should be called 'Ryuichi Sakamoto.' We'd like to repay him by delivering his music (to fans and others)."
   A 19-year-old man from Tokyo's Nakano Ward who started collecting Sakamoto's works last year rushed to the store soon after it opened for Monday's operations, after hearing the news of his death Sunday night. "I was supported by (Sakamoto's) music when I had a hard time during my high school years," he said. "I think the death of the strong-minded musician is a loss for Japan."
   Sakamoto worked for building makeshift wooden houses in the town of Sumita, Iwate Prefecture, after the March 2011 huge earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan, including Iwate, and interacted with people who lived there.


