2020.01.21 00:05Nation

世界成長、3.3%に下方修正 米中貿易摩擦の影響残る―IMF見通し


2020.01.21 00:05Nation

IMF Ups Japan Growth Estimate for 2020 to 0.7 Pct

The International Monetary Fund on Monday revised up its real economic growth forecast for Japan this year to 0.7 pct, citing effects of the Japanese government's stimulus package aimed at easing the pain of the consumption tax hike last October.
   The figure is up by 0.2 percentage point from the Washington-based institution's growth forecast made in October for the Asian country. Japan raised the tax rate to 10 pct from 8 pct on Oct. 1, following a 3-point hike in April 2014.
   Meanwhile, the IMF lowered its global economic growth projection for 2020 by 0.1 point to 3.3 pct, noting that punitive U.S. tariffs on Chinese products will remain in place after the much-awaited "phase one" agreement, reached between the world's two biggest economies last week to ease their trade tensions, and that some developing economies will suffer slowdowns in their growth.
   The IMF said that global growth decelerated to an estimated 2.9 pct in 2019 because of the impacts of the U.S.-China trade war, marking the weakest figure since 2009, when the global economy contracted due to a financial crisis at the time.
   "The balance of risks to the global outlook remains on the downside," the IMF said in its updated World Economic Outlook report, noting trade issues, tensions between the United States and Iran, and climate change.


