2022.12.19 11:31Nation

安倍氏銃撃現場のガードレール撤去 年度内に車道整備へ―奈良


2022.12.19 11:31Nation

Abe Shooting Site to Become Part of Road

Guardrails surrounding the site where former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was gunned down in the city of Nara, western Japan, in July were removed on Monday as part of the city's redevelopment project.
   The site, located within a crossing near Kintetsu Railway Co.'s Yamato-Saidaiji Station, will be developed as part of the road by the end of March next year.
   Abe was shot dead while making a stump speech at the site, where the guardrails had been installed to control traffic during the redevelopment project.
   After the incident, the city government considered setting up a memorial there, but it has decided to proceed with its original road development plan for reasons including ensuring the safety of pedestrians.
   On Monday, some people stopped nearby to watch work to replace the guardrails with temporary fences, while others put their hands together in prayer.


