2020.01.17 13:32Nation

25年度財政赤字、3.6兆円に拡大 歳出削減待ったなし―中長期試算


2020.01.17 13:32Nation

Japan Widens FY 2025 Primary Deficit Estimate to 3.6 T. Yen

The Japanese government is expected to incur, even under a bright scenario, a primary budget deficit of 3.6 trillion yen in fiscal 2025, a new Cabinet Office estimate showed Friday.
   The deficit figure worsened from 2.3 trillion yen in the previous estimate announced last summer, despite the government's goal of turning the primary budget balance into the black in fiscal 2025.
   The latest estimate assumes a "growth realization" scenario in which Japan's nominal gross domestic product continues 3 pct or higher growth.
   The Cabinet Office included the estimate in a new report on medium- to long-term economic and fiscal conditions, submitted to the day's meeting of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, chaired by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
   A deficit in the primary budget balance means the government cannot finance its policy spending without issuing debt.


