2020.01.17 12:24World eye


【グアダラハラAFP=時事】メキシコの元麻薬王、ホアキン・グスマン(通称エル・チャポ)受刑者の名を冠したクラフトビールが14日、同国の主要都市グアダラハラで発表された。グスマン受刑者は終身刑を科され刑務所に収監されているが、一つ、自慢の種ができた。(写真は「エルチャポ 701」ブランドのビール。メキシコ・グアダラハラで開催されたファッション見本市にて)
 クラフトビール「エル・チャポ・メキシカン・ラガー」は、グアダラハラで開催されたファッション見本市で初披露された。グスマン受刑者の娘のアレハンドリーナさんが経営するファッションブランド「エルチャポ 701」が手がけた。
2020.01.17 12:24World eye

Mexico gets 'Chapo' beer

Joaquin El Chapo Guzman may be serving a life sentence in prison, but the Mexican drug kingpin can now boast to having his own beer.
El Chapo Mexican Lager was launched by Guzman's daughter Alejandrina, who runs a fashion and lifestyle company built around her father's brand.
The company, Chapo 701, unveiled the craft beer Tuesday at a fashion trade show in Guadalajara, Mexico's second largest city.
It hasn't been released for sale to the public yet. I just brought some to display, spokeswoman Adriana Uriarte told AFP, saying the company was still processing the regulatory permits to sell it.
The beer sports a brown, black and white label crowned by Guzman's mustachioed image.
Guzman's daughter started the company just over a year ago. The 701 is a reference to the spot El Chapo held on Forbes magazine's annual ranking of the world's richest people in 2009, with a fortune estimated at $1 billion.
The company also sells clothing and accessories. Some of its products are made by inmates at the Puente Grande prison, on the outskirts of Guadalajara.
Guzman's beauty queen wife, Emma Coronel, has also launched a clothing line built around her husband's image.
El Chapo, co-founder of the powerful Sinaloa Cartel, was sentenced to life in prison in a US court in July 2019 on charges of trafficking at least 1,200 tonnes of cocaine into the United States over the course of 25 years.


