2020.01.17 12:41World eye

真珠湾訪問「何のため?」 地理歴史にうといトランプ氏浮き彫り、米記者新刊

【ワシントンAFP=時事】ドナルド・トランプ米大統領はインドと中国が国境を接していることを知らず、ハワイの真珠湾を訪問する意味もよく理解していなかった──米紙ワシントン・ポストの記者2人による新著「A Very Stable Genius(非常に安定した天才)」の内容の一部が15日、同紙に掲載され明らかになった。(写真は米ニューヨークの国連本部でインドのナレンドラ・モディ首相と会談するドナルド・トランプ米大統領)
 また同書には、1941年12月7日の真珠湾攻撃で日本軍によって撃沈された米戦艦アリゾナの追悼式典にトランプ氏が出席した際のエピソードも紹介されている。それによるとトランプ氏は、当時大統領首席補佐官だったジョン・ケリー氏に向かって「ジョン、一体これは何だ? 何のための訪問だ?」と尋ねた。
2020.01.17 12:41World eye

New book highlights Trump's ignorance of history, geography

US President Donald Trump's shaky grasp of geography includes not knowing that India shares a border with China, according to a new book by a pair of reporters for The Washington Post.
The book, A Very Stable Genius by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig, highlights episodes of volatile behavior by the president along with his ignorance of basic geography and history.
It's not like you've got China on your border, the authors quoted Trump as telling Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a meeting between the two leaders.
India and China share a border and the two countries went to war in 1962 over a disputed Himalayan section of the frontier.
Following Trump's border comment and seeming dismissal of the threat China poses to India, Modi's eyes bulged out in surprise, according to the book, excerpts of which were published in the Post on Wednesday.
Modi's expression gradually shifted, from shock and concern to resignation, it said.
After the meeting, the Indians took a step back in their diplomatic relations with the United States, a Trump aide told the authors.
The book also recounts a tour by Trump of a memorial for the USS Arizona, a US warship that was sunk by Japanese planes in the December 7, 1941 surprise attack on Pearl Harbour.
Hey, John, what's this all about? What's this a tour of? Trump is quoted as asking his then-chief of staff John Kelly.
Trump had heard the phrase 'Pearl Harbor' and appeared to understand that he was visiting the scene of a historic battle, but he did not seem to know much else, the book said.
He was at times dangerously uninformed, the book quotes a former senior White House adviser as saying.
The book said Trump lobbied then secretary of state Rex Tillerson in 2017 to help get rid of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act which prevents US firms from bribing foreign officials for business deals.
It's just so unfair that American companies aren't allowed to pay bribes to get business overseas, Trump is quoted as saying. We're going to change that.
The book also recounts an exchange between Trump and Anthony Scaramucci, who served briefly as White House communications director and is now a fierce critic of the president.
Scaramucci said he once asked Trump, Are you an act?
I'm a total act and I don't understand why people don't get it, Trump reportedly replied.


