元2世信者ら、文化庁に署名提出 旧統一教会の解散命令請求訴え
Children of Followers Call for Dissolution of Unification Church
Children of followers of the Unification Church on Friday submitted a written request for Japanese culture minister Keiko Nagaoka to seek a court order soon for disbanding the controversial religious organization.
Visiting the Cultural Affairs Agency, the group of former "second-generation followers" also submitted a list of some 200,000 signatures they collected for the dissolution of the religious organization, formally called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
"Dissolving the Unification Church is the first step," Masashi Ishihara, 73, deputy head of an association of families of victims of problematic practices by the religious group, told a press conference after the submission of the document addressed to Nagaoka and the signatures. "We hope (the government) will create a condition and environment that helps us head for a solution to the problem," he said.
"I don't want to see any more people suffer like me," a former second-generation follower who uses the pseudonym Shizuku Ida said, "I believe (the government) will act resolutely so that there will be no more victims."
The signature campaign was conducted online by former second-generation followers, families of victims and journalists from mid-October.