2022.11.28 21:55Nation

防衛費27年度にGDP比2% 岸田首相、関係閣僚に指示


2022.11.28 21:55Nation

Kishida Orders Steps to Achieve 2 Pct Defense Spending Target

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Monday instructed his finance and defense ministers to take measures to increase the country's defense budget and related spending to 2 pct of its gross domestic product in fiscal 2027.
   In a meeting at the prime minister's office, Kishida told Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki and Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada that the government will adopt steps this year to secure financial resources for increasing defense outlays in terms of both expenditures and revenues in an integrated way.
   Kishida's ruling Liberal Democratic Party has been calling for increasing the country's defense spending to more than 2 pct of GDP, a level equivalent to the target for NATO member countries, within five years.
   Japan needs to increase its annual defense spending by more than 5 trillion yen from the current level to achieve the goal.


