2022.11.18 20:35Nation

政府、「第8波」対策を正式決定 都道府県が協力呼び掛け―新型コロナ


2022.11.18 20:35Nation

Japan Adopts Steps against 8th COVID-19 Wave

The Japanese government formally adopted measures to deal with an expected eighth wave of COVID-19 infections on Friday.
   The government will categorize infection levels in a four-tier scale based on the burdens on medical services.
   If the state of infections reaches the second highest tier of Level 3, in which fever outpatient services are flooded with patients, prefectural governors will ask residents to refrain from dining in large groups and participating in large events.
   A medical state of emergency can be declared under Level 4, the highest tier, in which the overall medical care system ceases to function properly.
   Under the medical emergency state, governors will seek postponements of events and drastic curbs on commuting, as well as asking people to refrain from traveling.


