2022.11.18 15:00Nation

大学生内定率74.1% 経済回復、2年連続プラス―10月


2022.11.18 15:00Nation

74.1 Pct of Job-Seeking Univ. Students Get Offers

Jobs were informally offered to 74.1 pct of job-seeking university students set to graduate next March as of Oct 1., up 2.9 percentage points from a year before, a survey by the labor and health ministries showed on Friday.
   The share of students landing jobs rose for the second straight year against a backdrop of labor shortages and an economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.
   While companies' increased willingness to hire is believed to have allowed more students to get jobs early, the share with offers fell short of 76.8 pct three years ago, just before the pandemic began.
   Both male and female students fared better than a year before, with 72.7 pct and 75.7 pct offered jobs for after graduation, respectively.
   The share was up 2.7 points at 73.5 pct for those majoring in humanities and social sciences and up 4.0 points at 76.6 pct for science majors.


