2022.11.15 16:27Nation

違憲状態8件、合憲7件 国会取り組み評価割れ、違憲も1件―参院選「1票の格差」、判決出そろう


2022.11.15 16:27Nation

8 Rulings Find July Upper House Poll in Unconstitutional State

Japan's House of Councillors election in July was found to have been held in a state of unconstitutionality in terms of vote-value disparities by eight court rulings issued by Tuesday.
   Seven rulings have found that the election for the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, was constitutional on a total of 16 lawsuits filed with high courts and high court branches across the country by two groups of lawyers.
   One ruling has found the election unconstitutional.
   On Tuesday, the Akita branch of Sendai High Court became the eighth court to find that the election was held in a state of unconstitutionality.
   Tadashi Mikome, presiding judge of the branch, rejected the plaintiffs' demand to nullify the election results.


