2020.01.14 13:23Nation

日本も解決策提示を 徴用工、協議体への参加表明―韓国大統領




2020.01.14 13:23Nation

Moon Urges Japan to Present Ideas to Resolve Wartime Labor Issue

South Korean President Moon Jae-in urged Japan on Tuesday to present its own ideas to resolve the issue of South Koreans requisitioned to work for Japanese firms during World War II.
   Japan should present its own ideas and discuss the issue face-to-face with South Korea, Moon told a New Year's press conference at his presidential office in Seoul.
   The South Korean government has already presented its proposals several times, he said, adding that his country's legislative body has made efforts as well.
   Moon said that his government plans to take part in a proposed consultative council aimed at resolving the wartime labor issue.
   Establishing the council has been proposed by lawyers for plaintiffs in South Korean lawsuits demanding compensation from Japanese companies for wartime labor.


