2022.11.04 11:27Nation

Jアラート、システム改修を検討 北朝鮮のさらなる挑発警戒―政府


2022.11.04 11:27Nation

Japan to Mull Revamping J-Alert Early Warning System

The Japanese government will consider revamping the country's J-Alert nationwide early warning system, after apparent confusion occurred when warnings about a North Korean missile launch were issued through the system Thursday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said Friday.
   "Related government ministries and agencies are jointly considering remedial measures," Matsuno, Japan's top government spokesman, told a press conference.
   Meanwhile, Matsuno stressed that there was no problem in how the government responded to the missile firing, saying, "In the midst of various information reaching us, we issued (warnings) through J-Alert as quickly as possible."
   The chief cabinet secretary expressed a sense of caution by saying that North Korea may take further provocative actions including carrying out a nuclear test.
   J-Alert is a satellite-based system designed to send emergency information, such as missile and tsunami warnings, from the Japanese government to municipalities across the country. The information is relayed to local residents via disaster radio systems or emails.


