2020.01.13 14:33Nation

iPS細胞の一部で異常 京大提供、研究機関で培養


2020.01.13 14:33Nation

Gene Abnormalities Occur in iPS Cell Conversion Process

Cancerization-related genetic abnormalities have occurred during the processes to transform induced pluripotent stem, or iPS cells for regenerative medicine supplied by Kyoto University into intended cells at recipient research institutes, it has been learned.
   None of the affected cells has been used for transplantation, according to informed sources.
   It is known that genetic abnormalities could occur when cells are cultured or transformed.
   The university's Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, or CiRA, is stockpiling iPS cells produced based on cells taken from healthy people. CiRA started to supply them to research institutes and businesses in 2015.
   Problems, including cancer-related genetic abnormalities, have been confirmed in at least some of cells created from two of the 27 types of iPS cells CiRA has provided so far, according to the university.


