2022.10.28 12:45Nation

日銀、大規模緩和維持 物価上昇率2.9%に上方修正―成長率見通し下げ・決定会合


2022.10.28 12:45Nation

BOJ Ups CPI Forecasts, Keeps Policy Steady

The Bank of Japan on Friday announced an upward revision to its core consumer price index forecasts while keeping its monetary policy unchanged.
   In its latest quarterly Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices report, adopted at a two-day Policy Board meeting from Thursday, the BOJ raised its core CPI growth projection for fiscal 2022 to 2.9 pct from 2.3 pct in the previous report released in July.
   The growth projection for the core index, which excludes often volatile fresh food prices, was raised to 1.6 pct from 1.4 pct for fiscal 2023 and to 1.6 pct from 1.3 pct for fiscal 2024.
   The BOJ forecasts that Japan's real gross domestic product will expand 2.0 pct in fiscal 2022, down from the previously projected growth of 2.4 pct. The GDP growth outlook was revised to 1.9 pct from 2.0 pct for fiscal 2023 and to 1.5 pct from 1.3 pct for fiscal 2024.
   The nine-member Policy Board voted unanimously to keep the bank's short-term policy interest rate steady at minus 0.1 pct and continue guiding 10-year Japanese government bond yields to around zero pct.


