2022.10.26 18:55Nation

ギャンブル依存症で対策条例 全国初、財源に企業の寄付―大阪府議会


2022.10.26 18:55Nation

Osaka OKs Japan's 1st Ordinance Tackling Gambling Addiction

The Osaka prefectural assembly has passed an ordinance tackling gambling addiction, the first of its kind in Japan.
   Proposed by the assembly's largest power, regional party Osaka Ishin no Kai, and enacted Wednesday, the ordinance calls for creating a system under which the prefectural government in western Japan will implement measures that incorporate the voices of gambling addicts and their supporters.
   The ordinance, set to take effect by year-end, also includes a plan to establish a foundation to secure funds for such measures. Companies will be asked to donate to the foundation.
   Osaka has submitted to the central government a casino-featuring integrated resort development plan.
   The prefecture has many facilities for betting on horse and speedboat racing. An estimated 98,000 Osaka residents are suspected of having a gambling addiction, according to a prefectural government survey in fiscal 2020.


