2022.10.26 10:57Nation

高裁松江支部は「合憲」 7月参院選「1票の格差」


2022.10.26 10:57Nation

2nd Ruling Finding July Upper House Poll Constitutional Issued

The Matsue branch of Hiroshima High Court on Wednesday ruled that Japan's House of Councillors election in July was constitutional in terms of vote-value disparities, delivering the second such ruling on the poll.
   Presiding Judge Yoshiki Matsutani at the high court branch in the western Japan city of Matsue rejected the demand of plaintiffs that the election's results be nullified.
   Over vote-value gaps in the July election for the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, a total of 16 lawsuits have been filed with 14 high courts and high court branches across the country by two groups of lawyers. The groups claim that the election violated the country's Constitution, which calls for the equality of votes.
   Wednesday's ruling was the fourth issued in the series of lawsuits.
   Osaka and Tokyo high courts have ruled that the election was held in a state of unconstitutionality, while Nagoya High Court found the poll constitutional.


