2022.10.26 07:37Nation

岸田首相、復興に積極関与 ウクライナ支援で国際会議―独


2022.10.26 07:37Nation

Kishida Vows Japan's Active Role in Ukraine's Reconstruction

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida pledged his country's active involvement in Ukraine's reconstruction in international talks in Berlin on Tuesday.
   Japan "will continue to provide assistance to Ukraine based on our country's unique knowledge and strengths," Kishida said.
   Pointing to Japan's experience of sorting and reusing debris from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that mainly hit northeastern Japan, Kishida added, "We will continue to play an active role in providing further assistance to the people of Ukraine as needed."
   Kishida made the remarks in a video message for the Berlin meeting to discuss reconstruction assistance for Ukraine, ravaged by Russia's invasion launched in February.
   The meeting, led by the Group of Seven major powers, was hosted by this year's G-7 president, Germany. Japan will assume the presidency next year.


