2022.10.25 19:51Nation

記録廃棄、年内に有識者委 「批判、重く受け止める」―最高裁


2022.10.25 19:51Nation

Japan Top Court to Set Up Panel on Preservation of Crime Records

Japan's Supreme Court said Tuesday that it will set up a panel of experts to consider how to keep permanently records of juvenile and other criminal cases.
   The move follows the recent revelation that records of serious juvenile criminal cases, including all records of the 14-year-old serial killer in Kobe, western Japan, in 1997, have been discarded by family courts across the country.
   In a statement issued on Tuesday, Shinya Onodera, chief of the top court's General Affairs Bureau, said, "We take seriously the opinions and criticisms we have received (since the revelation), and we will manage records of criminal cases appropriately while listening to the opinions of experts."
   The panel will consist of lawyers Hisashi Kajiki and Asaka Kanda and Hosei University professor Shigeru Takahashi. The top court plans to hold the first meeting of the panel by the end of this year. The panel is expected to draw up a report by March.


