2022.10.24 17:07Nation

アベノミクスの検証必要 教団と絶縁、地方議員も―自民・石破氏


2022.10.24 17:07Nation

LDP's Ishiba Calls for Review of Abenomics

Shigeru Ishiba, former secretary-general of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, underscored Monday the importance of reviewing former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's reflationary policy mix, dubbed Abenomics.
   "It's time to check whether boosting the monetary base really got the economy moving" as touted by the late former prime minister, Ishiba said in a speech at a conference organized by the Research Institute of Japan, a Jiji Press affiliate.
   Offering his view, he said Abenomics failed to stimulate consumption enough due chiefly to persistent anxieties over the future among people.
   Ishiba also demanded that Prime Minister and LDP head Fumio Kishida make not only lawmakers in the party but all other party members such as local politicians sever ties with the Unification Church, a problematic religious group.
   "It's not easy (for the government and the LDP) to regain public trust," he stressed.


