2022.10.24 18:15Nation

性交同意16歳に引き上げ 「撮影罪」新設、時効5年延長―法制審試案


2022.10.24 18:15Nation

Japan Panel Calls for Raising Minimum Age of Sexual Consent to 16

A Japanese government panel on Monday proposed raising the minimum age of sexual consent, stipulated under the criminal code, to 16 from the current 13.
   In its draft recommendations, the subdivision of the Legislative Council, which advises the justice minister, proposed keeping sexual intercourse with a person aged 12 or younger illegal without exception, as it is at present.
   It recommended that a person who had sexual intercourse with a child aged 13 to 15 be subject to punishment if the child is five or more years younger than the person, while allowing sexual intercourse between a child aged 13 to 15 and a person of the same age or close to the age bracket.
   The panel called for punishing violators with imprisonment of five years or longer.
   It also called for unifying the required components of the crimes of forcible and quasi-forcible sexual intercourse to "difficulty in refusing."


