2022.10.20 18:46Nation

旧統一教会、政策に影響ない 岸田首相「国葬は合憲」―参院予算委


2022.10.20 18:46Nation

LDP Policies Not Affected by Unification Church: Kishida

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Thursday that his ruling Liberal Democratic Party's policies have not been influenced by the religious group known as the Unification Church.
   His remarks followed the revelations that organizations linked to the religious group have asked LDP lawmakers to sign accords supporting the group's policies during times of national elections.
   "I'm confident that any interactions made during elections would not affect the LDP's policymaking," Kishida, also president of the LDP, told a meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, the country's parliament.
   The LDP employs a multilayered process before deciding on a policy, hearing opinions from many people concerned and holding a series of discussions, Kishida said.
   Kishida reiterated that he has no plan to conduct a probe into any ties between the religious group and former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was shot to death in July.


