2020.01.10 10:50Nation

11月家計支出、2.0%減 消費増税の反動減続く


2020.01.10 10:50Nation

Japan Household Spending Down 2.0 Pct in Nov.

Japanese household spending in November fell 2.0 pct from a year earlier in price-adjusted real terms, down for the second straight month, the internal affairs ministry said Friday.
   Consumption expenditures per household with at least two members came to 278,765 yen.
   According to the ministry, spending fell particularly for air conditioners, bedding goods and women's overcoats as temperatures were higher than usual. A demand drop after the consumption tax hike in last October was also blamed.
   Meanwhile, expenditures in the education and entertainment category went up thanks to replacement demand for Microsoft Corp's Window 7 operating system, for which the firm's support will end on Tuesday.
   Pointing out that November's spending drop was smaller than the previous month's 5.1 pct, a ministry official said adverse effects of the tax hike were waning although personal consumption still lacked vigor.


