2020.01.09 20:19Nation

ゴーン被告の主張「虚偽」 日本批判に会見で反論―東京地検


2020.01.09 20:19Nation

Japanese Prosecutor Calls Ghosn's Claims False

Former Nissan Motor Co. Chairman Carlos Ghosn made false claims about Japan's judicial system during a press conference he held in the Lebanese capital of Beirut on Wednesday, a senior Japanese prosecutor said Thursday.
   "We need to correct misunderstandings and wrong information about Japan," Takahiro Saito, deputy chief of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, told a regular press conference in Tokyo.
    The prosecutors office questioned Ghosn for a total of some 70 days while he was detained for some 130 days in Japan, Saito said, adding that slightly less than four hours were spent per day on average on the questioning of the former boss of the major Japanese automaker.
   At Wednesday's press conference, Ghosn claimed that Japanese prosecutors' daily questioning took up to eight hours.
   Saito also said that Ghosn was allowed to see his lawyers almost every day during the detention, rejecting Ghosn's statement that he was unable to receive support from his lawyers.


