2022.09.25 07:18Nation

中国残留孤児、苦難の歴史 2500人帰国も日本語壁に―日中国交正常化50年


2022.09.25 07:18Nation

50 Years On: War-Displaced Japanese Faced Language Barrier

Over 2,500 Japanese people left behind in China as children around the end of World War II have made permanent return to Japan, but their lives were not easy due to the language barrier.
   They lost parents or were separated from them in China, mainly in former Manchuria, which was a puppet state of Japan, amid the turmoil around the end of the war, aggravated by an invasion by the Soviet Union. Many were adopted into Chinese families after being left behind.
   The Japanese welfare ministry recognizes people left behind in China who were aged under 13 when the war ended and have Japanese biological parents as war orphans left in China. The orphans and Japanese women who married Chinese and stayed in China after the war are collectively called by the ministry as war-displaced Japanese left behind in China.
   Japan's project to bring Japanese people back from northeastern China, where Manchuria existed, began in 1946 and continued intermittently until 1958, including a period when the work was suspended due to a civil war in China.
   After the project ended, the return home of people was carried out individually via the Japanese Red Cross Society.


