2022.09.21 18:33Nation

日本から長谷川氏ら3人 ノーベル賞級論文の栄誉賞―情報会社


2022.09.21 18:33Nation

3 Japanese among 2022 Citation Laureates

Three Japanese are among the 20 researchers having been selected by Clarivate PLC as Citation Laureates for 2022, according to the international information provider's announcement on Wednesday.
   The three Japanese researchers are Masato Hasegawa, chosen in the field of physiology or medicine, and Takashi Taniguchi and Kenji Watanabe, both in the field of physics.
   Hasegawa, head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science's Department of Brain and Neurosciences, discovered a protein that indicates a pathological signature of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, which is an intractable disease.
   Taniguchi is director of the National Institute for Material Science's International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, and Watanabe is chief researcher at the institute's Research Center for Functional Materials.
   Taniguchi and Watanabe developed a technology to create high-quality hexagonal boron nitride crystals.


