2022.09.20 11:32Nation

物価高対策で予備費3.5兆円 「5万円給付」、病床確保も―政府


2022.09.20 11:32Nation

Japan to Spend 3.5 T. Yen to Tackle COVID-19, Higher Prices

The Japanese government Tuesday decided to spend 3,484.7 billion yen from special reserves set aside for measures to tackle the novel coronavirus and higher prices.
   Of the amount, 854 billion yen will be used to provide 50,000 yen in inflation relief cash benefits to each low-income household. The government will also increase its emergency grants to prefectural governments by 826.6 billion mainly to help them secure hospital beds for coronavirus patients.
   A further 1,295.9 billion yen will go to the subsidy program to curb soaring gasoline prices to extend it for three months to year-end.
   The government will use 400 billion yen to boost its regional revitalization extraordinary grant program, which allows municipalities to take measures against soaring prices in accordance with the local situations.
   To help livestock and dairy farmers hurt by soaring feed prices, 50.4 billion yen will be used to cover part of the rising costs for producers working to cut spending.


