2022.09.20 11:50Nation

改良型ワクチン接種開始 高齢者優先、来月12歳以上に―オミクロン対応・厚労省


2022.09.20 11:50Nation

Japan Starts Giving Improved COVID-19 Vaccines

Japan started administering improved COVID-19 vaccines targeting the omicron COVID-19 variant in some parts of the country Tuesday.
   The health ministry initially focuses on people aged 60 or over for their fourth COVID-19 vaccine shots, planning to expand the scope to those aged 12 or over who have received at least two shots in mid-October.
   While this summer's seventh wave of infections has passed its peak, there are concerns over a resurgence in cases and a possible simultaneous outbreak of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza in winter.
   The government plans to administer the improved vaccines at a pace of over one million shots per day, aiming to provide them to all people hoping to receive them by the end of the year. "We'll accelerate vaccinations," health minister Katsunobu Kato told a press conference.
   The improved vaccines have two types--one developed by Pfizer Inc. and the other by Moderna Inc.--both of which were approved in the country on Sept. 12.


