2020.01.08 15:31Nation

70歳就業、来年4月から 企業に努力義務―厚労省


2020.01.08 15:31Nation

Japan Govt to Urge Employment until 70 from April 2021

Japan's labor ministry plans to urge companies from April 2021 to ensure jobs for workers until the age of 70, it was learned Wednesday.
   The ministry will also require large companies with over 300 workers to publish the share of mid-career hires in their overall payrolls.
   The plans were included in the summary of a bill to revise the law on stabilizing employment for the elderly, submitted by the ministry to a Labor Policy Council subcommittee the same day. The ministry aims to submit the bill to the ordinary session of parliament, slated to be convened on Jan. 20.
   The ministry plan offers several options for ensuring jobs for workers up to age 70, such as assisting community service activities by elderly employees and subcontracting operations to businesses launched by elderly workers. Other options include delaying the retirement age and offering continued employment after retirement age, currently mandated for those up to the age of 65.
   In addition, the bill calls for altering the unemployment benefits system for the elderly, changing the requirement of having worked at one employer for 20 hours or more per week to having worked at one or two workplaces for a total of 20 hours or more per week.


