2020.01.08 07:58Nation

日本メディアを「締め出し」 ゴーン被告の記者会見


2020.01.08 07:58Nation

Japanese Media Denied Access to Ghosn's Press Conference

Most Japanese media organizations have been denied access to fugitive automotive executive Carlos Ghosn's press conference to be held in Beirut on Wednesday.
   More than 100 reporters from nearly 50 news organizations have been invited to the closely watched event, but most are from the French and Lebanese media as Ghosn has citizenship of the two countries.
   The news conference will mark the former Nissan Motor Co. chairman's first public appearance since he escaped Japan late last month, in violation of his bail terms. He has been indicted in Japan for alleged financial misconduct.
   The apparent exclusion of Japanese journalists suggests that Ghosn does not want to face tough questions from them, observers said.
   His press agent said Tuesday that the upcoming press conference is being arranged as a limited meeting between Ghosn and journalists who have been building relationships with him.


