2022.09.13 16:19Nation

天皇陛下、国体出席で栃木へ 10月、コロナ下初の地方―宮内庁


2022.09.13 16:19Nation

Emperor to Visit Tochigi for National Sports Festival Ceremony

Japanese Emperor Naruhito will visit the eastern Japan prefecture of Tochigi on Oct. 1 to attend the opening ceremony of the National Sports Festival, the Imperial Household Agency said Tuesday.
   Empress Masako is planning to accompany the Emperor on the one-day trip if her health condition allows.
   It is the first trip to outside of Tokyo by the Imperial couple since the outbreak of COVID-19, having last gone on such a trip two years and eight months ago.
   The National Sports Festival is one of major regional events attended by the Emperor, in addition to the national tree-planting festival, the national festival for rich oceans and the national cultural festival.
   The Emperor will attend the opening ceremony of the National Sports Festival in person for the first time since the 2019 event in Ibaraki Prefecture, also in eastern Japan.


