2022.09.04 20:30Nation

「ご飯が進む」おかず続々 食品値上げでお米に商機―メーカー各社

 味の素は、肉や野菜と炒める調味料「Cook Do 今夜は中華飯」を発売した。ご飯にかけて食べるため、ソースのとろみや味は「ご飯に合う品質を徹底追求した」と商品担当者。フライパン一つで栄養のある本格中華ができるという。

2022.09.04 20:30Nation

Japan Food Makers Aiming to Benefit from Lower Rice Prices

Major Japanese food makers are launching products to help people easily make dishes that go well with rice, a staple food in the nation, at a time when prices of the grain are on the decline in contrast to rising prices of wheat and other food items.
   In anticipation of higher demand for rice on the back of its falling prices, these companies are trying to catch the hearts of consumers who are tightening their purse strings amid a series of price hikes for foods, including flour-based products, and other goods, partly blamed on the yen's ongoing weakness and the fallout of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
   Ajinomoto Co. has rolled out new products from its signature "Cook Do" Chinese-style premixed sauce series. The new items are for making a bowl of rice topped with stir-fried meat and vegetables, including a Shanghai-style sour-sweet sauce for pork and vegetables such as bok choy, a type of Chinese leaf vegetable.
   "We carefully tried to achieve high qualities that go well with rice," an Ajinomoto official involved in developing the new items said of the thickness and taste of the products.
   The premixed sauce products allow people to cook authentic and nutritious Chinese food in a frying pan, according to the official.


