賃上げ、ベア念頭に検討 定着は「社会的責務」―前年より踏み込む・経団連25年春闘指針

Keidanren Urges Member Companies to Consider Pay Scale Hikes
The Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, on Tuesday released guidelines for its member companies on this year's "shunto" spring wage negotiations, urging them to consider pay scale hikes.
In the guidelines, Keidanren stressed that the business group and its member companies have a social responsibility to contribute to the formation of a thick middle class and the realization of structural wage increases by ensuring that the momentum for wage increases, which was seen in the past two years, takes root broadly in society.
Keidanren vowed to make every effort for the continuation of wage increases to cope with rising prices.
Member companies were urged to raise wages in a manner appropriate to each company through sincere discussions with the labor side.
The business group emphasized that it is increasingly important to implement structural wage increases at small and midsize companies, which account for about 70 pct of employment in the country, and to raise wages and improve working conditions for fixed-term workers, who account for nearly 40 pct of all workers in the country.
