2022.09.01 16:11Nation

H3ロケット、年度内打ち上げ目指す エンジン不具合の解決にめど―JAXA


2022.09.01 16:11Nation

Japan to Aim for H-3 Rocket Launch within FY 2022

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA, has said that it will aim to launch the new H-3 rocket within fiscal 2022, which will end in March next year.
   JAXA unveiled the goal on Thursday as it now has the prospect of solving the problems with the rocket's main engine that led to repeated delays of its debut launch.
   The agency hopes to fix the launch schedule after conducting an engine combustion test with the rocket installed on the launch pad in November.
   The H-3 rocket, being developed by JAXA and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. , was initially planned to be launched in fiscal 2020.
   The debut launch was first postponed by one year after cracks were found in the turbine blades of the pump that sends fuel to the engine in May 2020. In January this year, JAXA announced its decision to put off the launch again, due to a vibration-caused issue found in another turbine component.


