2022.08.31 20:17Nation

介護給付、初の10兆円超え 20年度の事業報告―厚労省


2022.08.31 20:17Nation

Japan Nursing Care Benefits Top 10 T. Yen for 1st Time

Annual benefits paid under Japan's public insurance for elderly care topped 10 trillion yen for the first time in fiscal 2020, the welfare ministry said Wednesday.
   The total for the year through March 2021 rose 2.7 pct from the previous year to 10,231.1 billion yen. The figure excluded out-of-pocket costs shouldered by users of care services covered by the insurance.
   The annual amount has been hitting a record high since the elderly care insurance system started in fiscal 2000.
   As of the end of March 2021, the number of insured people aged 65 or over had risen 0.7 pct from a year before to 35.79 million.
   Of them, those aged below 75 numbered 17.46 million, and those aged 75 or over totaled 18.33 million. Those aged between 65 and 74 were outnumbered by those aged 75 or over for the third consecutive year.


