2022.08.30 11:56Nation

岸田首相、31日に会見し国葬説明 自宅療養終了に合わせ


2022.08.30 11:56Nation

Kishida to Hold Press Conference Wed.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will hold a press conference on Wednesday, after completing his COVID-19 recovery period, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said Tuesday.
   Kishida is expected to explain the government's plan to hold a state funeral for former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was fatally shot in July. Kishida tested positive for COVID-19 on Aug. 21.
   On the opposition camp's demand that Kishida attend off-session deliberations in the Diet, Japan's parliament, to explain his decision to hold the state funeral, Matsuno, Japan's top government spokesman, only said in a press conference, "Specifically how things are handled in the Diet should be decided by the Diet."
   Matsuno also said, "At the moment, we're not at the stage to announce something concrete" on security and other costs related to the state funeral as the number of people who need to be guarded is still uncertain. He added that the government hopes to release details on such costs after the funeral, which is set to be held on Sept. 27.


