2022.08.30 07:08Nation

「反撃能力」保有を検討 安保戦略改定で―浜田防衛相・新閣僚インタビュー


2022.08.30 07:08Nation

INTERVIEW: Japan to Mull Counterstrike Capabilities

Japan will consider possessing counterstrike capabilities as it revises its National Security Strategy and two other key security documents at year-end, Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada said Monday.
   With many ballistic missiles developed and deployed near Japan and missile technology evolving rapidly, Japan will consider not only improving its interception capability but also acquiring counterstrike capabilities in a realistic approach without ruling out any options, Hamada said in an interview.
   "If launched, these missiles could reach our country in a very short time and inflict enormous damage on the lives and property of its people," Hamada said, adding that considerations will be made from the viewpoint of whether Japan is adequately prepared to protect the lives and livelihoods of its citizens.
   "Russia's invasion of Ukraine, China's unilateral attempts to change the status quo and North Korea's frequent ballistic missile launches are making our national security problems serious. It's extremely important to reinforce our defense capabilities," Hamada said.
   Asked whether he considers himself a hawk or a dove in his political beliefs, Hamada said, "Sometimes I'm a hawk, and sometimes I'm a dove."


