2022.08.29 18:24Nation

ロシア極東演習、1日からに変更 規模縮小、北方領土実施に日本警戒


2022.08.29 18:24Nation

Russia to Hold Military Drills in Far East from Thurs.

Russia will hold large-scale military drills in its Far Eastern region from Thursday to Sept. 7, two days later than previously planned, the country's Defense Ministry said Monday.
   Japan is vigilant as the Vostok 2022 drills are set to take place in areas including the islands of Etorofu and Kunashiri, two of the four northwestern Pacific islands at the center of the two countries' long-standing territorial dispute, called the Northern Territories in Japan.
   The drills are likely to have been delayed as Russian President Vladimir Putin may view them. He is set to visit the Far Eastern city of Vladivostok to attend the Eastern Economic Forum, slated for Sept. 5-8.
   The number of participating troops is likely to slump to at least 50,000 from some 300,000 in the previous Vostok exercises four years ago as Russia's military has suffered many casualties in its aggression against Ukraine.
   The Chinese military is expected to join the drills as it did four years ago.


